Gabled roof
A roof with two rectangular slopes, coming together in a ridge parallel to the width of the building, is currently the most popular solution.

This choice may depend on various considerations. For some, the simplicity of this form of roof will be the decisive factor, translating into lower construction costs and shorter realization time, as compared to more complicated roof structures. For others, the major advantage of the gabled roof will be the more varied possibilities of arranging the attic, adaptable as a living space, especially with a significant angle of the slope. The limited number of angles makes it easy to adjust the furnishings of the rooms so that their users may feel comfortable in them.
Ten typ dachu daje wiele możliwości, jeżeli chodzi o wybór rodzaju pokrycia dachowego. Ze względu na prostą konstrukcję z powodzeniem można na nim układać dachówki ceramiczne, szczególnie te o większym formacie, jak MONZAplus, a konieczność przycinania materiału i tak będzie tu minimalna. Konstrukcja dachu dwupołaciowego pozwala również na dużą swobodę w zakresie długości okapów, nadając bryle budynku bardziej klasyczny lub nowoczesny charakter.
O ile bardziej wysunięte okapy podkreślają zazwyczaj tradycyjny styl budynku, tak rezygnacja z ich budowy sprawia, że dom przybiera kubiczną formę, charakterystyczną dla nowoczesnej architektury.
This type of roof offers many options when it comes to choosing the type of roofing. Due to its simple construction, ceramic tiles are easy to lay on it, especially those of larger dimensions, like MONZAplus, and the need to cut the material is minimal. The design of the gabled roof also allows for great freedom in the length of the eaves, lending the building a more classic or modern character. While more expansive eaves usually emphasize the traditional style of a building, foregoing their construction lends a house a cubic form, characteristic of modern architecture. The character of the gabled roof is also influenced by the color of the tiles. Red tiles, such as MONZAplus Chestnut are a reference to traditional construction, and colors such as Maduro, Anthracite or Tobago will help highlight contemporary arrangements.
The optimum aesthetic effect can be achieved by matching the color of the tiles to the size and angle of the slope. If the roof surface is quite large and sloping to a great extent, it is not recommended to use dark colored tiles. The roof may look too bulky and dominate the whole body of the building. For this reason, large, steep gable roofs are more commonly adorned with brighter shades of tiles, such as natural red or copper. This rule can be reversed: when the roof is small and the angle is close to the lowest values recommended for laying ceramic tiles, dark colors (Tobago, chestnut, brown, anthracite) will lend it distinction.
Arch. Dorota Palmączyńska
Design Studio Archipelag